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Hyperbaric chamber

Do you know what a hyperbaric chamber is? This is a special room to help people breathe in more oxygen than they usually do. Made of tough metal, this Baobang hyperbaric chamber can comfortably hold a person lying down inside it. Its door can be tightly closed, and when sealed the air pressure within it boosted. Have you ever flown in an aeroplane and feel your ears pop? The reason being the air pressure becomes lesser as plane goes high into sky. The same type of adjustment in air pressure occurs within a hyperbaric chamber.

The Benefits of Hyperbaric Therapy

Hyperbaric therapy-when a person enters into the confines of said hyperbaric chamber and is given increased oxygen. Such therapy can benefit numerous health issues. For instance, in cases where a person does not heal from wounds that just do not seem to close up on their own. At times, people get injuries which take ages to heal and getting into a hyperbaric chamber can help in the healing process. It is also employed in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas. But give people pure oxygen to breathe within Baobang hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, and they feel better. The patients living with autism and cerebral palsy even undergo hyperbaric therapy, due to the improvement of symptoms it brings them and their higher quality of life.

Why choose Baobang Hyperbaric chamber?

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