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    Low oxygen chamber

    Feeling as if you were standing on a high mountain but without climbing it? One of them being what is called a low oxygen chamber . It is a special room prepared in such way that it contains less oxygen than the usual air we are used to breathe. While it may seem a bit odd or even funny, the fact is that this can actually be quite beneficial to your health and fitness. In this article, we take a look at what happens inside that space and how it can benefit you.

    Ever been up a mountain? If you have, then perhaps you noticed that it was tougher to breathe up there. That is because the air has lower oxygen at high altitudes. This Baobang thinner air may relax you but if it does not, makes you more tired or mess up your head for a slight altitude headache. Who in their right mind would want to feel that way?

    Boost Your Endurance and Performance with Oxygen Deprivation Training

    Many athletes use low oxygen chambers to gear up for their sports. Once they acclimate to training in lower oxygen, that could potentially help them better when the  perform back at regular air with more oxygen. Kind of like how kids learn to ride a bike with training wheels. Starting out, training wheels keep them from falling over too much and with more experience they can remove the training wheels on their own.

    Your body has to work harder than normal in the chamber when you exercise. This hyperbaric oxygen therapy for lyme increases your heartbeat, feeling fatigued more easily than normal. The Baobang good news is, though, that this gets better with time and your body improves its ability to use oxygen efficiently. And this longer staying capacity is why you'll avoid getting tired easily in sports and activities like running, soccer or even swimming.

    Why choose Baobang Low oxygen chamber?

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