What Sometimes Having A Stroke Means - That The Brain Is Starving For Oxygen And Blood This is a severe problem and can have multiple effects. Examples of these are weak muscles, difficulty speaking or an inability to move certain parts of the body. Rehab after a stroke can be difficult and long for the patient, as well as their loved ones. There is hope for stroke survivors, however. A treatment that has shown promise in enabling their recovery is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is very special treatment in medical science. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy - this hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber entails a person inhaling pure oxygen whilst within a sealed air pressure chamber (chamber) This therapy has existed for many years, having been employed to deal with various types of wounds and infections. There are many aspects of this treatment that help the stroke patients as well, and only recently doctors have discovered HBOT for people who have suffered a stroke. Hmm, this can provide fresh anticipation for stroke victims and their families.
Inside the hyperbaric chamber, when a person breathes pure oxygen helps to get more oxygen into their bloodstream. Oxygen is used in the body and brain to be used as a powerful additional oxygen can heal injured areas of the brain that have been damaged from having an attack. Another reason why HBOT assists with recovery is because it helps to stimulate the flow of blood that travels through your brain. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy more blood flow that can get to the brain bringing with it nutrients and oxygen, for healing;
Great news for those of you who had strokes. There is some research that suggests hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be effective, for certain stroke survivors. For example, studies show that HBOT can improve speech and movement (two of the most important aspects of quality-of-life) post-stroke. And, in some cases as well, it can even lower the chances of having another stroke ever again - something that worries many survivors.
Although hyperbaric oxygen treatment is not new, doctors and scientists are continually learning more about how to apply this treatment for a variety of indications. Doctors say this therapy could revolutionize stroke recovery. It is an optimistic therapy that may help people recover faster and with less pain during their recovery process.
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